§ 601.104. Solicitation of employees on City property.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful and a class C offense for any person to solicit an employee of the City on City property for the purpose of selling or offering to sell to the employee any service, article or commodity whatsoever, including all forms of insurance, except that this prohibition shall not apply to:


    City-sponsored employee benefit programs, expressly including group life insurance programs, hospital and medical insurance programs, or the deferred compensation program pursuant to Chapter 116.


    Payees, and authorized representatives of payees, permitted to have deductions for other insurance premiums under the provisions of Section 116.905(d) when:


    The City uses its own employees to make presentations during regularly scheduled working hours.


    The City, through the Mayor, authorizes representatives of the various insurers to use their own employees or agents to make presentations, receive applications or enrollment cards for membership or participation or indications of interest and take authorizations for deductions other than during the time when employees are performing their public duties, including lunch breaks and work breaks.

(Ord. 72-1236-630, § 1; Ord. 77-690-506, § 2; Ord. 77-1159-603, § 1; Ord. 78-702-590, § 1; Ord. 83-591-400, § 1)