§ 601.110. Interference with civil service examinations.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful and a class C offense for any person, being a member of the Civil Service Board or an employee of the City, willfully and corruptly:


    To defeat, deceive or obstruct an individual in respect of his or her right of examination according to the personnel rules and regulations for the administration of the civil service.


    To mark, grade, estimate or report falsely on the examination or proper standing of an individual examined.


    To make a false representation concerning the mark, grade, estimate or report on the examination or proper standing of an individual examined, or concerning the individual examined.


    To furnish to an individual any special or secret information for the purpose of improving or injuring the prospects or chances of an individual examined, or to be examined, being appointed, employed or promoted.

    (Ord. 97-890-E, § 1; Ord. 2011-232-E, § 2)

    Note— Former § 602.504.