§ 802.113. Withholding of license plates and revalidation stickers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The City of Jacksonville's Public Parking Officer shall prepare and supply the State of Florida, Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, with a magnetically encoded computer tape reel or cartridge or send by other electronic means data which is machine readable by the installed computer system at such Department, listing persons who have (1) three or more outstanding parking violations in the City of Jacksonville or (2) who have any outstanding violations for offenses occurring on and after October 1, 1990, of F.S. § 316.1955 or any similar local ordinance regulating parking in spaces designated for use by disabled persons.




    Pursuant to the authority granted in F.S. §§ 316.1967 and 320.03, this Section shall be applicable throughout Duval County as a County ordinance, including but not limited to Urban Services Districts Two, Three, Four and Five; provided, however, that the applicable chief local official responsible for enforcement of parking violations in each municipality shall be responsible for preparing and supplying the applicable list of persons who have (1) three or more outstanding parking violations within his or her respective jurisdiction or (2) who have any outstanding violations for offenses occurring on and after October 1, 1990, of F.S. § 316.1955 or any similar local ordinance regulating parking in spaces designated for use by disabled persons.

(Ord. 88-667-355, § 1; Ord. 89-1018-497, § 1; Ord. 90-734-328, § 1; Ord. 2012-674-E, § 3)