§ 656.1302. Definitions.  

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  • For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms and words shall have the following meanings:


    Animated sign means a sign with motion, action of flashing or other light and color changes which is activated by mechanical, electrical or other nonnatural means. However, this term does not include changing message devices or wind-activated elements such as flags, pennants, or banner signs.


    Banner sign: An on-site sign made of canvas or other approved flexible materials with or without a structural frame and attached to a building, canopy, pole or other structure.


    Changing message device means any sign with fixed boundaries, frames or edges visible from a public right-of-way or approved private street that either:


    Displays a verbal or numerical message that scrolls from left to right, for no more than eight seconds with an eight second break between messages, with all other portions of the sign static and unchanging, or


    Changes electronically under the following conditions:


    The entire portion of the sign that can change shall be static and unchanging for at least eight seconds.


    The time to completely change the entire portion of the sign that can change is a maximum of one second.


    The change shall occur simultaneously for the entire portion of the sign that can change; and


    There shall be a default design that will ensure no flashing, intermittent message or any other apparent movement that is displayed should a malfunction occur.


    Construction sign means a temporary sign erected or placed on premises on which construction is taking place during the period of such construction indicating the names of owners, architects, engineers, landscape architects, contractors, artisans, financial supporters, or others having a role or interest with respect to the structure or project.


    Directional or directing sign means an on-premises incidental sign, not exceeding a maximum of four square feet in area, designed to guide or direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic for information only. Such signs shall not contain any form of advertisement and shall not be included in calculating the maximum area or the number of signs under this Chapter.


    Double-faced sign means a sign with two surfaces against, upon or through which a message is displayed. A double-faced sign shall have both surfaces parallel to each other and must be constructed, tied or otherwise fastened together into an integral unit with no visible air space between the surfaces.


    Eaves means the lowest horizontal line of a sloping roof.


    Freestanding sign: A sign which is not attached to a building.


    Monument sign: A freestanding sign mounted directly to the ground with a base which is at least two-thirds the horizontal length of the sign and with no visible space between the ground and the sign for the length of the base, except that there may be visible space not to exceed two feet in height between the base and the sign, provided that in no event shall the height of the visible space exceed the height of the base of the sign (Figures 1, 2 and 3, located at the end of this section).


    Pylon/pole sign: A freestanding sign, other than a monument sign, with a visible support structure, which support structure may or may not be enclosed with a cover (Figure 4, located at the end of this section).


    Illuminated sign:


    Externally illuminated sign: A sign illuminated by reflection from a light source which is not a component part of the sign but which is aimed at the sign.


    Internally illuminated sign: A sign illuminated through transparent or translucent material from a source within the sign.


    Mobile sign means any sign not exceeding a maximum of 32 square feet in area for each display face, not exceeding ten feet to the top thereof above the surrounding ground level and specifically designed to be of a temporary nature and be capable of being transported to various locations. The subject matter of the sign shall be exclusively related in its content to the use of the lot on which it is located or to offices, products, accommodations, or services available or activities sold, produced, available or conducted on the lot on which the sign is located. Mobile signs shall not be animated, flashing or revolving, but may be illuminated.


    Occupancy frontage means the length of that portion of a building occupied by a single office, business or enterprise abutting a street, parking area, or other means of customer access such as an arcade, mall, or walkway.


    Off-site sign means any combination of structure and message in the form of an outdoor sign, display, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, placard, poster, billboard, advertising structure, advertising logos, symbol or other form, whether placed individually on or a V-type, back-to-back, side-to-side, stacked or double-faced display, designed, intended or used to advertise or inform, any part of the advertising message or informative contents of which is visible from any place on the main or traveled way and which sign relates in its subject matter to offices, products, accommodations, services or activities which are sold, produced, available, conducted or rendered at locations other than on the premises where the sign is located. The term does not include an official traffic control sign, official marker, specific information panel erected, or other form of public information caused to be erected or approved by any government upon its property or right-of-way.


    On-site sign means any sign which advertisement is exclusively related in its subject matter to the use of the premises on which it is located or to offices, products, accommodations, services or activities sold, produced, provided, available or conducted on the premises where the sign is located.


    Projecting sign: A sign which is erected or supported on the wall of a building or other structure and projects from it. Signs which extend into or over public space or street right-of-way, including roof signs, shall be considered as projecting signs (Figure 5, located at the end of this section).


    Real estate sign means a temporary sign advertising the real estate upon which the sign is located as being for sale or rent.


    Roof line means the highest continuous horizontal line of a roof. On a sloping roof, the roof line is the principal ridge line, or the highest line common to the principal slope or slopes of the roof. On a flat roof, the roof line is the highest continuous line of the roof or parapet, whichever is higher.


    Roof sign means a sign erected, constructed or maintained on the roof of a building or structure above the eaves, or above mansards, parapets, or other similar architectural features of buildings or structures which are capable of supporting signs.


    Sign: A painting, structure, projected image or device which is placed, erected, constructed or maintained on or in the ground or water, or on or outside of an enclosed building, boat, ship, vessel or other object or structure or affixed or painted on or inside an exterior window of a building for the purpose of display, information, advertisement or attraction of the attention of persons, including posters, pictures, pictorial or reading matter and a letter, word, model, device or representation used in the nature of an advertisement, announcement, attraction or direction. Sign includes remote controlled blimps meeting the definition of a sign but for the fact they are not attached to the ground. Sign also includes any structure previously used as a sign, where the sign face, advertising or informational copy has been removed or become unreadable but the sign structure remains.


    Sign area computation: The method by which the area of each surface of a sign is computed. For signs with fixed boundaries, frames or edges, it shall be computed by calculating the area within and including the exterior boundaries, frames or edges enclosing the letters or graphic matter which composes each sign surface. For signs with no fixed boundaries, frames or edges, such as where a sign is composed of separate letters which are placed or painted upon or against a building or upon or through a window or other similar surface not designed, framed or edged specifically for sign presentation, the sign area shall be computed on the basis of the smallest triangle, rectangle, square or circle encompassing the outermost exteriors of the outermost individual letters, words or numbers which yields the least total square footage of area. Computation of sign area shall include border trim. For double faced signs with parallel faces, the sign area shall be computed by calculating the area of one of the larger of the two faces.


    Street frontage means the property line of a lot abutting the right-of-way line of public or approved private streets, excluding alleys to which such property has the legal right of access.


    Subdivision identification sign: A sign located at the intersection of two street rights-of-way which is approved as part of a site plan or sketch plan approval pursuant to Section 656.404 or Chapter 654. The only lettering shall be the name of the subdivision. Such sign may be illuminated only when the sign is abutting a right-of-way which is classified as collector or higher on the Functional Highway Classification Map of the Comprehensive Plan (Figure 1, located at the end of this section).


    Temporary embellishment means an embellishment placed on the facing of a sign for a period not to exceed six months.


    Under canopy sign means a sign suspended beneath a canopy, ceiling, roof or marquee.


    Wall sign means a sign attached to and parallel with a wall, including signs printed or painted on walls.


    Awning sign means an awning with lettering placed on the canvas, or other approved flexible material, with a structural frame that is attached to a building. The awning sign shall not be placed above the roof elevation of a single story building or above the second floor of a multi-story building. An awning sign shall not be wind activated, or inflatable, such as a balloon (Figure 6, located at the end of this section).


    Street frontage sign means a sign which is allowed pursuant to this Part based on the amount of street frontage a lot has. A street frontage sign may be a ground, a freestanding or a roof sign.


    Marquee sign: A sign which is attached to, or hung from, a permanent rooflike structure which is supported by a building wall and which projects out from the building line usually, but not necessarily, over a public right-of-way such as a sidewalk.


    Window sign: An on-site sign painted on or otherwise affixed to a window or glass door, or located within five feet behind, and facing, a window or glass door.


    Mobile billboard means any sign placed upon, applied to the surface of, or attached to a motorized vehicle or towed trailer driven on public streets, or a boat, ship or other vessel on the water, when such vehicle, trailer or vessel is (i) not used primarily for the transportation of passengers for hire or goods, or (ii) not designed for the transportation of passengers for hire or goods.


    Temporary election sign means a temporary nonilluminated sign, not in excess of four square feet in size (area) per side and the top of the sign is not more than six feet off the ground, that functions to communicate support for or opposition to a candidate or stating a position regarding a ballot issue upon which the voters of the City shall vote. In a commercial zoning district the maximum size (area) per side of a temporary nonilluminated election sign may be increased from four square feet to 16 square feet.


    Free expression sign means a nonilluminated sign, not in excess of four square feet in size (area) per side and the top of the sign is not more than six feet off the ground, that functions to communicate information or views on matters of public policy concern or containing any other noncommercial message, that is otherwise lawful; provided, however, that in commercial zoning districts, a free expression sign may also function to communicate either a commercial message or a noncommercial message.


    Temporary directional business sign means a temporary nonilluminated sign, not in excess of four square feet in size (area) per side and the top of the sign is not more than three feet in height off the ground, that functions to provide directions to the location of a business currently operating with a valid occupational license, that has been encumbered or hindered by governmental agency (including the City, State, JEA and JTA) work or improvements on or adjacent to its property. Such signs shall be subject to conditions and limitations as provided in Section 656.1321 herein.

    (Ord. 91-59-148, § 1; Ord. 92-1768-1444, § 4; Ord. 93-174-1054, § 6; Ord. 2002-446-E, § 2; Ord. 2003-1050-E, § 1; Ord. 2004-428-E, § 2; Ord. 2010-253-E, § 2; Ord. 2010-900-E, § 2)


    Figures 1, 2


    Figure 3


    Figure 4


    Figure 5


    Figure 6