§ 656.1306. Real estate signs.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to any other signs allowed, any lot may have erected on it a temporary, nonilluminated real estate sign not exceeding 24 square feet in area, but only when such property is actually for sale or rent; provided that in RR and RLD districts the sign shall be no greater than four square feet. For the purpose of this Section, the term "lot" shall include the entire area: (1) within the legal boundaries of the lot itself, and (2) between five feet from the edge of the pavement and ten feet from the nearest intersection or driveway, and the front lot boundary line of a single family residential lot (in the case of corner lots, both front lot lines shall be considered). In the event that any portion of this Section is declared invalid, unenforceable, unconstitutional or void or is permanently enjoined, then thereafter no signs shall be erected pursuant to this Section.

(Ord. 93-174-1054, § 10; Ord. 2013-486-E, § 1)