§ 656.1308. Subdivision signs.  

Latest version.
  • Any subdivision in any zoning district may have two subdivision identification signs not exceeding 24square feet in area for each sign provided that each such signs shall be located at an entry of the subdivision and at the intersection of two street rights-of-way. Such signs shall be limited to the name of the subdivision, and no other words or forms of advertisement shall appear on the signs. Each sign shall be included as part of the site plan or sketch plan approval pursuant to Section 656.404 or Chapter 654. Provided, however, all subdivision signs in existence prior to November 4, 1993, are exempt from the requirements of this Section. In the event any portion of this Section is declared invalid, unenforceable, unconstitutional or void or are enjoined, then thereafter no signs shall be erected pursuant to this Section.

(Ord. 93-174-1054, § 12; Ord. 2001-1057-E, § 1)