§ 656.1310. Sign waivers.  

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  • (a)

    Sign waivers may be approved by the City Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 656.133(c).


    Limitations on sign waivers : Proposals for sign waivers shall be subject to the following limitations:


    Height : No waiver shall be granted for an increase in sign height in excess of 20 percent of the maximum height allowed in Section 656.1303 for the zoning district for which the waiver is proposed, or five feet in height, whichever is less. No waiver shall be granted which would permit a sign in excess of 40 feet in height in any zoning district.


    Size : No waiver shall be granted for an increase in sign size in excess of 25 percent of the maximum size area allowed in this Part 13 for the zoning district for which the waiver is proposed, or ten square feet in area, whichever is less.


    Number of signs : A waiver may be granted to increase the maximum number of signs allowed, so long as the total square footage of all signs does not exceed the maximum square footage allowed in this Part 13 for the property for which the waiver is proposed.


    Type of signs: No waiver shall be granted to allow a type of sign not otherwise allowed in this Part 13 for the zoning district for which the waiver is proposed, except that a waiver may be granted to allow illumination of a sign, or to allow a different type of sign otherwise allowed under this Part 13 for public health, safety, and welfare purposes only in conjunction with a sign waiver to reduce the sign setback requirements in this Chapter pursuant to subsection (5). When granting sign type waivers for public health, safety, and welfare purposes, in conjunction with a sign waiver to reduce the sign setback requirements the Council shall state the public health, safety, and welfare purpose on the record, and shall attach necessary documentation to the ordinance approving such waiver to support its findings. Such documentation may include statements from the City Traffic Engineering Division supporting an alternative sign type to improve visibility when entering or exiting the subject property.


    Setback: A waiver may be granted for relief from the sign setback requirements found in this Chapter, whether from the right-of-way, adjacent property, or another sign structure. However, if the sign fails to comply with the setback requirements by a distance of one foot or less, the sign shall be deemed to be a conforming sign and no sign waiver shall be required.


    Directional signs : No waiver shall be granted allowing an increase in the size, height, or number of directional signs.


    Waiver based upon economic hardship: When a waiver is requested based upon economic hardship, the applicant shall, in addition to the information otherwise required, submit the following:


    Two estimates from licensed contractors stating the cost of bringing the sign structure into compliance; and


    Any other information the applicant wishes to have considered in connection with the waiver request.

    The Council may, as a condition of the waiver, specify a time period within which the sign structure shall be required to conform to the requirements of the City's sign regulations.

(Ord. 2002-447-E, § 1; Ord. 2003-1112-E, § 2; Ord. 2006-235-E, § 1)