§ 656.1331. Intent.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of this Subpart is to create the policy for a comprehensive and balanced system of signs and street graphics to facilitate the enhancement and improvement of the downtown area through the encouragement of urban, innovative signs and street graphics which will aid in the creation of a unique downtown shopping and commercial area, facilitate an easy and pleasant communication between people and their environment and avoid the visual clutter that is potentially harmful to traffic and pedestrian safety, property values, business opportunities, and community appearance. It is the intent of this ordinance that the Downtown Development Review Board ("DDRB") utilize the following criteria and consider for approval only those signs and graphics which are:


    Compatible with and an enhancement of the character of the surrounding area and adjacent architecture when considered in terms of scale, color, materials, lighting levels, and adjoining uses.


    Compatible with and an enhancement of the architectural characteristics of the buildings on which they appear when considered in terms of scale, proportion, color, materials, and lighting levels.


    Appropriate to and expressive of the business or activity for which they are displayed.


    Creative in the use of unique two and three dimensional form, profile, and iconographic representation; employ exceptional lighting design and represent exceptional graphic design, including the outstanding use of color, pattern, typography and materials. Signage which simply maximizes allowable size is strongly discouraged.


    Of high quality, durable materials appropriate to an urban setting.


    Consistent with any and all design objectives of the DIA's Business Investment and Development Plan (BID Plan).

(Ord. 2002-446-E, § 1; Ord. 2014-560-E , § 17)