§ 656.1334. Signs exempted.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The following signs do not require permits or fee payment but are subject to design review by the Downtown Development Review Board:


    Decorative banners placed on JEA light poles;


    Public information signs;


    Special event signs and banners.


    Signs on transit shelters located on public rights-of-way, on publicly owned property, or privately owned property, as permitted by Section 656.1303 and subject to Sections 656.361.20 and 656.1333.


    The following signs do not require permits, fee payment, or design review by the Downtown Development Review Board, so long as such signs meet the requirements of the Sections indicated:


    Real estate signs (Section 656.1306);


    Construction signs (Section 656.1307);


    Temporary window signs erected behind glass windows as allowed by Section 656.1333(2)(b)(i)(B);


    Historic landmark signs (Section 656.1303(n));


    Political signs (Section 601.105).


    The following signs do not require permits, fee payment, or design review by the Downtown Development Review Board:


    Legal notices;


    Street address numerals not exceeding 12 inches in height.

(Ord. 2002-446-E, § 1; Ord. 2009-401-E, § 3)