§ 656.1336. Administration.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Applications for sign permits within the Downtown Sign Overlay Zone shall be filed with the DDRB for staff review and determination if the application will be considered by DIA staff or the DDRB. It is recommended that applicants meet with DIA staff to review the application prior to filing. All applications shall include a sign plan containing a visual representation of the sign's construction, type of lettering, illumination, colors, area and height of graphics, together with an elevation depicting the area or portion of the building where the sign will be displayed.


    Within five working days after an application has been received by the DDRB, DDRB staff shall determine whether the application is complete. If the application is determined to be incomplete, a written notice shall be provided to the applicant specifying the deficiencies, and no further action shall be taken until the deficiencies are remedied.


    Within five working days after an application has been determined to be complete, DDRB staff shall issue its recommendation concerning the application to the Building Inspection Division after having reviewed the application utilizing the criteria set forth in Section 656.1335. Provided, however, that for sign applications submitted for review as a part of a sign package for buildings which require design review by the DDRB, such sign applications shall be approved or denied within 45 days after an application has been determined to be complete, unless such time period is extended at the request of the applicant. All applications must receive a written recommendation of approval from the DDRB in order to be approved by the Building Inspection Division. Upon receipt of a written recommendation for approval, the Building Inspection Division shall, within five days, issue a permit for the sign, so long as all other applicable requirements of the Building Inspection Division are met.


    If the DDRB staff recommends denial, the Building Inspection Division shall take no further action concerning the application. However, the applicant may appeal the staff recommendation to the DDRB within five working days. The DDRB review of the appeal shall be limited to a consideration of whether the design review criteria were properly considered and applied by DDRB staff to the application presented. If the DDRB determines the design review criteria were properly applied by DDRB staff, the Chief Executive Officer of the DIA shall issue a letter to the Building Inspection Division, with a copy to the applicant, within five days from the date of the DDRB determination confirming recommendation. If the DDRB determines the design review criteria were not properly applied, the DDRB may suggest additional findings or give directions to the Chief Executive Officer to assist the Chief Executive Officer in effectively considering the matter. Within ten days of the DDRB's remand to the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Executive Officer shall issue a written recommendation to the Building Inspection Division, with a copy to the applicant, which shall be deemed to be the final decision of the City.


    Except for applications submitted for review as a part of a sign package for buildings which require design review by the DDRB, in the event a sign permit has not been approved or denied by the DDRB within five working days after an application has been determined to be complete, or by the Building Inspection Division within five days after written recommendation for approval by the DDRB, the applicant shall be entitled to erect one temporary banner sign on the property which may remain until such time as the permit is issued or a final decision is rendered by the City denying the permit, whichever shall first occur. For applications submitted for review as a part of a sign package for buildings which require design review by the DDRB, the five-day period for approval or denial referred to in this subsection shall be increased to 45 days. No permit shall be required to erect such temporary sign. The maximum size of any such temporary sign shall not exceed 50 percent of the sign area otherwise allowed under this Subpart for the sign in question. Any temporary banner sign erected pursuant to this subsection shall create no vested right for the sign applicant, either to maintain the temporary banner sign beyond the time authorized by this subsection or to have approved the sign for which the application was submitted.

    (Ord. 2002-446-E, § 1; Ord. 2014-560-E , § 17)


    Figure 1: Downtown Overlay Zone Map

    Figure 2
    Illustrations of Sign Definitions, Design, and Calculations of Sign Area 656.1336-2.png

    Figure 2: Proposed Sign Rights Representative Examples


    Figure 2: Wall


    Figure 2: Window


    Figure 2: Temporary Window


    Figure 2: Awning


    Figure 2: Projecting


    Figure 2: Marquee


    Figure 2: 1 to 5 Stories


    Figure 2: Over 5 Stories


    Figure 2: Surface Parking Lot - Pylon, Pole or Monument - Universal Parking Signs


    Figure 2: Freestanding Parking Garage


    Figure 2: Sign Measurement


    Figure 2: Desirable Signage Design Characteristics


    Figure 2: Undesirable Signage Design Characteristics


    Figure 3: Signage Illumination