§ 656.361.19. Grid Pattern.  

Latest version.
  • Purpose and Intent : To maintain traditional block patterns with a grid of streets, eliminate vacant streets and minimize the creation of superblocks, wherever practicable, by encouraging new large development proposals to respect the existing downtown street pattern. All buildings and structures shall meet the following criteria:


    All new construction of buildings and structures and rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures shall respect the existing downtown street pattern. No closures of right-of-way will be allowed, unless it can be shown to the satisfaction of the DIA that the public benefits clearly outweigh the negative impacts on the downtown traffic network. In order to determine that the public benefits of the closure(s) clearly outweigh the negative impacts, a positive finding, based on substantial competent evidence, must be made on each of the following criteria:


    The proposed closure(s) will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare;


    Pedestrian access is provided and maintained through the proposed development;


    The proposed building (s) and structure (s) exceeding the lot area will be consistent with the general character of the adjacent and surrounding area;


    The vehicular circulation pattern will provide improved corridors by enhanced streetscape improvements; and


    The proposed building(s) and structure(s) will face the right-of-way with pedestrian access from those rights-of-way available to the general public.

(Ord. 2003-627-E, § 1; Ord. 2007-564-E, § 20; Ord. 2014-560-E , § 16)