§ 656.361.20. Streetscape.  

Latest version.
  • Purpose and Intent. The streetscape design standards are established to provide design criteria which require a certain level of quality; enhance street level design to attract pedestrian use; develop a system of pedestrian-oriented streets and walkways; improve pedestrian and transit links among key activity centers and districts; emphasize, protect and enhance entrances and edges of the Downtown Overlay Zone; promote continuity between public and private developments; provide for protection of air quality through the mitigating effects of trees and provide shade and enhance the appearance of the central business district. All new buildings and structures, rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures, and any other proposed projects, public or private, that would affect, modify or change the streetscape, shall meet the following criteria:


    shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of this subsection and the design standards set forth in the Downtown Streetscape Design Guidelines, including Downtown Sidewalk Utility Design Standards, a copy of which is on file with the Legislative Services Division, the City Engineer's Office and the DIA, which are hereby adopted as the streetscape design standards for the Downtown Overlay Zone, whenever any new building or structure is erected or whenever any existing building or structure undergoes major renovation, or whenever any improvements are made to the streetscape. The streetscape shall include the following items, unless the proposed project is only for improvements to the streetscape, then only the proposed changes to the streetscape shall adhere to the following, except as provided in clause (xi) of subsection (5), or unless staff determines that the proposed changes to the streetscape are substantial enough to warrant the entire streetscape affected to be improved to the full standard:


    Trees. Trees shall be planted in the streetscape. The type of tree, number of trees, and spacing of trees shall comply with the standards set forth in the Downtown Streetscape Design Guidelines.


    Trees shall be a minimum of 16 feet in height, four-inch caliper, with seven feet of clear trunk. Liriope groundcover will be used as the tree planter cover.


    Irrigation systems shall be installed underground to service all trees and other landscape material, and the irrigation system shall be maintained in operable condition at all times. The type and size of irrigation system shall comply with City's Land Development Regulations.


    Inspection of trees planted pursuant to this subsection shall occur six months after planting to ensure all trees are in healthy condition. Trees found to be in a declining condition shall be replaced within 30 days of notice thereof. If replacement is necessary, there shall be a reinspection six months after replacement and the provisions of this subsection shall apply to the reinspection.


    Streetlights. The type, number, and spacing of streetlights shall comply with the standards set forth in the Downtown Jacksonville Streetscape Standards and as approved by the City's Highway Engineer.


    Paving. Paving shall be installed in the streetscape. The type of paving, design and paving materials shall comply with the standards as set forth in the Downtown Jacksonville Streetscape Standards.


    Street Furniture. Street furniture shall be installed where appropriate. The type, number and spacing of street furniture shall comply with the standards as set forth in the Downtown Jacksonville Streetscape Standards.


    Transit Shelters. Transit shelters shall be installed where appropriate. The type and design, number, spacing and location of transit shelters shall be approved by the DDRB pursuant to Section 656.361.9(d)(2)(iii) and comply with the standards set forth in the Downtown Jacksonville Streetscape Standards, and as approved by the City's Engineer, if required. The transit shelter design type shall be chosen from at least three options provided by JTA, whose design shall be in keeping with the historic character of the downtown streetscape furniture and street lights. Such approval by the City's Engineer, if required, shall occur before final approval of the transit shelter by the DDRB. Any changes to the transit shelter after the DDRB approval by JTA and/or the City's Engineer shall be communicated to the DDRB, and approval granted by the DDRB prior to the City's Engineer approving such changes. The following criteria shall apply:


    The permitted transit shelter site, excluding overhangs, shall be no larger than 16 feet long by 10 feet high by 5 feet wide, and no larger than 80 square feet in size.


    The overhang shall have a minimum clearance of 8 feet and be set back from the back of curb a minimum of 2 feet.


    Site location of transit shelters must provide a minimum of 6 feet clearance to pedestrians on the sidewalk or other surface allowing for pedestrians.


    Transit shelters must be at least 6 feet from any driveway.


    Transit shelters shall only number one per side of street per block, except the bus rapid transit stations as shown on JTA's Jacksonville BRT Phase I map, a copy which is on file with the DIA.


    Transit shelters must be a minimum of 10 feet from an intersection or crosswalk.


    Transit shelters must be a minimum of 6 feet from any building entrance or exit.


    Transit shelters may not obstruct any view of traffic or roadway signage.


    Transit shelters may be illuminated with lighting that is interior to the structure and shall not interfere with the ability of vehicular users of the road to read traffic signs or see traffic signals.


    Transit shelters shall include, at a minimum, one trash can per shelter and the trash can shall not obstruct the minimum 6 feet requirement for pedestrian clearance on the sidewalk or other surface allowing for pedestrians.


    Transit shelters that disrupt more than 50% of any one side of the street, per block, shall meet the Downtown Streetscape Design Standards for the side of the street, per block, that is disrupted.


    Existing transit shelters shall not be required to meet these standards until replaced with a new transit shelter, which shall meet the requirements of clauses (i) through (xii) and (xiii) of this subsection.


    Any signage associated with transit shelters and associated areas shall be subject to Chapter 656, Part 13, Subpart B.


    In the event that any portion of this section, including any exception contained herein, is declared invalid, unenforceable, unconstitutional or void, or is permanently enjoined, or if the existence of any provision of this section would result in any other portion of this Chapter or Chapter 326 or Article 23 of the Charter being held to be invalid, unenforceable, unconstitutional or void, and the court does not sever such invalid portion of this section, then the invalid portion of this section is repealed and invalid and thereafter no signs of the type included within the exemption shall be erected without compliance with the remainder of this Chapter and this Ordinance Code. It is the specific intent that the invalidity of any portion of this section shall not affect any other section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word of this Chapter, Chapter 326, Article 23 of the Charter, or this Ordinance Code.


    Streetscape maintenance agreement. At the time of issuance of a certificate of occupancy, all property owners constructing streetscapes shall be required to execute a maintenance agreement or other similar agreement, in a form acceptable to the City, in which the property owner agrees to (a) maintain and repair all elements of the streetscape when needed, unless the City determines it will maintain and repair the streetscape improvements, and (b) comply with the provisions of Part 5 of Chapter 518.

(Ord. 2003-627-E, § 1; Ord. 2007-564-E, § 20; Ord. 2009-401-E, § 2; Ord. 2012-364-E, § 10; Ord. 2014-560-E , § 16)

Editor's note

Ordinance 2007-839-E, § 18, authorized updated department/division names pursuant to reorganization.