§ 656.414. Townhouses and rowhouses.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Each building or structure to be sold to individual owners containing townhouses or rowhouses or each development of contiguous townhouse units shall comply with all development regulations, including overall lot and yard requirements and density, for multiple-family dwellings, except as provided in this Section. Where lots are to be sold to individual owners of townhouses or rowhouses in a building, the lots shall be platted pursuant to Chapter 654, Ordinance Code, and the following regulations shall apply to such subdivision plats and to the individual units or lots:


    Minimum lot width : - 15 feet; 25 feet for end units.


    Minimum lot area: - 1,500 square feet.


    Maximum lot coverage by all buildings : - 70 percent.


    Maximum yard requirements:


    Front - 22 feet from the outside edge of sidewalk to the garage face where sidewalks are located on that side of the street and 15 feet to the building façade; 22 feet from the back edge of curb where no sidewalks are located to the garage face and 15 feet to the building façade; 15 feet, if access to garage is from an alley.


    Side - 0 feet; 10 feet for end units.


    Rear - 10 feet.


    Maximum height of structures. 35 feet.


    Minimum open space. The gross density for an RLD Zoning District may not exceed the Land Use Category density. Where individual lot sizes may exceed the Land Use Category density, open space shall be platted as a separate tract and designated as "open space" on such plat.

(Ord. 91-59-148, § 1; Ord. 2008-969-E, § 3)