§ 656.415. Fencing or screening of certain uses.  

Latest version.
  • That portion of property adjacent to the public street or right-of-way and occupied or used for the uses listed in this Section, whether existing or created after the effective date of this Chapter, shall be screened from the public street or right-of-way by a fence, wall or evergreen hedge not less than six feet in height which creates a visual barrier, not less than 95 percent opaque. This visual barrier shall have no openings except for entrances and exit facilities and these facilities shall be equipped with gates which maintain the equivalent visual barrier as the fence, wall or evergreen hedge. This provision shall apply to land or premises used for the following:


    Junkyards and automobile wrecking or storage yards.


    Scrap processing yards.


    Loading or unloading zones.

(Ord. 91-59-148, § 1; Ord. 91-761-410, § 1)