§ 656.419. New and redeveloped areas bordering navigable waterway.  

Latest version.
  • New and redeveloped waterfront projects bordering navigable waters shall provide water oriented recreational open space uses dependent upon scales, type, intensity and density to serve the development of which it is to be apart, based upon the following criteria.


    Residential development with up to 50 lots or dwelling units shall provide a minimum 25-foot corridor of unobstructed visual access to the navigable waterway from a public or private right-of-ways, easement, or common area.


    Residential development with more than 50 lots or dwelling units, or commercial, industrial, and institutional uses shall provide recreational or open space use consisting of 100 square feet of recreational or open space use per residential lot or dwelling unit or 50 square feet of recreational or open space use per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, which provides access to the navigable waterway unless shown to the satisfaction of the Chief that such recreational or open space area is not in the public interest, safety, and general welfare of the City.

(Ord. 91-59-148, § 1)