§ 656.502. Generally.  

Latest version.
  • Mobile homes or trailers shall not be used for other than residential purposes except as follows:


    A mobile home or trailer may be used in any zoning district as a temporary construction or sales office or shelter for materials or tools (but not for residential purposes) incidental to construction or development of the premises upon which the mobile home or trailer is located if it is installed in compliance with all other regulations and if a permit has been issued for this construction or development and a permit has been obtained for the use of the mobile home or trailer. Where a temporary mobile home is proposed for use on a City park or school site, a site plan showing the proposed location of the mobile home on the site, the square footage of building area, and the distance from property lines, etc. shall be prepared and submitted to the Department for approval by the Planning Commission. A mobile home or trailer permitted under this provision may be permitted for a period of up to one year. The use of a mobile home or trailer shall not be continued for more than six months beyond the completion of the construction or development.


    A mobile home or trailer may be used in a zoning district for a temporary public purpose (but not for residential purposes) by an agency of government.


    A mobile home may be used as a sales office on a licensed mobile home sales lot in a zoning district permitting the use if it is installed in such a manner as to comply with all other regulations and is not used for residential purposes.

(Ord. 91-59-148, § 1)