§ 656.503. Mobile home parks.  

Latest version.
  • In a district where mobile home parks are permitted or are permissible as exceptions, the following requirements for mobile home parks shall apply:


    Minimum park area: 15 acres.


    Minimum park width: One hundred feet at entrance and exits and 200 feet at the portion used for mobile home spaces.


    Minimum mobile home space width: 40 feet.


    Minimum mobile home space area: 3,600 square feet for each space.


    Maximum density: Ten mobile home units for each gross acre of park.


    Maximum lot coverage by all buildings: 40 percent.


    Landscaped buffer area: A 25 foot wide landscaped buffer area shall be provided along streets and all property lines, and shall include suitable ground cover.


    Minimum yard requirements: No mobile home, carport, or other structure shall be placed or erected closer than 15 feet to the pavement line at any internal roadway/driveway. No mobile home shall be placed or erected closer than five feet to any side or rear mobile home space plot line; provided, however, roof projections, overhangs, rain gutters and air conditioners may project up to 18 inches into any required setback area.


    Maximum height of all structures: 25 feet.


    Roadways and drainage:


    The minimum right-of-way for internal roadways/driveways shall be 36 feet.


    The minimum pavement width for internal roadways/driveways shall be 20 feet.


    For divided roadways, the minimum pavement width for each roadway shall be 16 feet, and the minimum median width shall be eight feet.


    All roadways/driveways shall be paved with a minimum of four inches of limerock base and compacted to 100 percent of maximum density, and one inch of asphalt topping—DOT Type I, 1,800 pounds H.F.


    All streets in a mobile home park shall be private.


    Each mobile home park shall be located on a well drained site and shall comply with applicable engineering standards for drainage.


    Patio/carport: Each mobile home site shall contain a concrete slab not less than ten by 20 feet in dimension for carport or patio; such slab shall not be required until after the mobile home is in position.


    Off-street parking: Each mobile home space shall be provided with two paved off-street parking spaces per mobile home space. One additional off-street parking space shall be provided for each 200 square feet of nonstorage floor area of office and laundry facilities in close proximity thereto.


    Mobile home foundation and tie-down: Each mobile home shall be placed on a foundation or tied down as required by the Building Code and other applicable regulatory agency requirements.




    Each mobile home space shall be connected to a central water and sewer system. No individual water supply or sewage disposal system shall be permitted in any mobile home park.


    All utilities distribution and collection systems, including those for water, sewer, electricity, telephone, gas and television cable, shall be underground. Electric power shall be serviced by individual meters.


    Recreational facilities: Each mobile home park shall be provided with a park and active recreational area having a minimum area of 200 square feet for each mobile home space. These areas shall be consolidated into usable areas with a minimum dimension of not less than 40 feet. No mobile home space, required buffer strip, street right-of-way, storage area, utility site, or utility easement shall be counted as recreational area in meeting this requirement. Recreational areas and facilities shall be owned and operated by the park management.


    Perimeter wall, fence or hedge: Each mobile home park shall be entirely enclosed, exclusive of driveways, at its external boundaries by a wall, fence or evergreen hedge which creates a visual barrier and which is not less than six feet in height.


    Other service facilities: Each mobile home park shall be provided with a management office and those service buildings as are necessary to provide facilities for mail distribution; storage space for supplies, maintenance and materials and equipment; and laundry facilities equipped with washing machines and dryers for park residents. Adequate lighting shall be provided for safe internal circulation.


    Solid waste collection: Park management shall be strictly responsible for internal trash and garbage collection. Central park collection points shall be screened from public view from without or within the park.


    Identification of roadways and mobile home spaces: Roadways located within a mobile home park shall be named, labeled or otherwise adequately described so as to be easily found by persons entering the park. Mobile home spaces shall be numbered or otherwise adequately described and the number or other description shall be posted at the proper space so that it can be clearly read from each street on which the space fronts or abuts.


    Occupancy date: No space in a mobile home park shall be occupied until at least 40 spaces are completed and ready for occupancy.


    Permit application: An application for a permit to develop a mobile home park shall be accompanied by a site plan in triplicate which is prepared by a registered land surveyor, engineer or architect and drawn to scale with the following information:


    The location and legal description of the proposed development and the name and address of the applicant.


    The plans and proposed use of all building, improvements (including the location, size and number or description of all mobile home spaces) and the names or other descriptions of all streets and facilities, including recreational facilities, to be constructed within the mobile home park.


    The location of all points of entry and exits for motor vehicles, internal circulation patterns and location of all off-street parking.


    The location and details of materials and construction of all walls, fences, hedges and so forth and all landscaping to be provided.


    Planning Commission site review approval: No permit for the development of a mobile home park shall be issued without the review and approval of the site plan by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall establish and adopt performance standards and criteria in order to perform site plan review, which may include requirements for open space, landscaping, and other design parameters deemed necessary by the Planning Commission.


    Other agent notification: A copy of the site plan required to be filed with the permit by subsection (u) of this Section shall be filed with the Sheriff and a copy shall be filed with the Fire Operations Division for their use in connection with their official duties. In addition, a copy of the site plan shall be posted conspicuously at each entrance to the mobile home park and shall be placed under glass or in weather-resistant containers for the use of emergency vehicles in locating mobile homes within the park. A change in street or space designations or locations shall be reported to the Sheriff and Fire Operations Division, accompanied by a revised plan if the change is substantial and shall be entered on the plans posted at the entrances to the park.

(Ord. 91-59-148, § 1)