§ 656.605. Number of off-street loading spaces required.  

Latest version.
  • Off-street loading spaces shall be provided and maintained as follows, except that additional off-street loading spaces shall not be required in the CCBD District for alteration, modernization or repair of existing buildings.


    Each retail store, storage warehouse, wholesale establishment, industrial plant, factory, freight terminal, merchant, restaurant, mortuary, laundry, dry cleaning establishment or similar use which has an aggregate floor area of:


    Over 5,000 square feet but not over 25,000 square feet shall have one space.


    25,000 square feet but not over 60,000 square feet shall have two spaces.


    60,000 square feet but not over 120,000 square feet shall have three spaces.


    120,000 square feet but not over 200,000 square feet shall have four spaces.


    200,000 square feet but not over 290,000 square feet shall have five spaces, plus one additional off-street loading space for each additional 90,000 square feet over 290,000 feet or major thereof.


    Each office or financial institution shall provide one space for the first 75,000 square feet of gross floor area, and one space for each additional 60,000 square feet or major fraction thereof.


    With respect to multiple dwellings:


    For each multiple dwelling or apartment or hotel having at least 20 dwelling units but not over 50 dwelling units—One space.


    For each multiple dwelling unit having over 50 dwelling units—One space plus one space for each additional 50 dwelling units or major fraction thereof.


    For each auditorium, convention hall, exhibition hall, museum, motel, hotel, office building, sports arena, stadium, hospital, sanitarium, welfare institution or similar use which has an aggregate floor area of over 10,000 square feet, but not over 40,000 square feet—One space, plus one space for each additional 60,000 square feet or major fraction thereof.


    For a use not specifically mentioned, the requirements for off-street loading facilities for a use which is so mentioned and to which the unmentioned use is similar shall apply.

(Ord. 91-59-148, § 1; Ord. 2007-588-E, § 1)