§ 656.607. Design standards for off-street, on-street parking and loading facilities.

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  • (a)

    Location: The required off-street parking or loading facilities shall be located on the same lot or parcel or land they are intended to serve, unless otherwise provided in Subpart A, Part 4. No off-street parking or loading space shall block a public sidewalk. All off-street loading areas shall be visually screened from a public right-of-way.


    Off-street parking distances from commercial, office, professional, industrial, wholesale, warehouse and storage building entrances: All parking lots with more than 200 spaces located more than 300 feet from a building entrance, measured perpendicular from the parking space to the structure entrance or from each entrance when multiple entrances front on the parking lot, shall have one six foot wide landscaped pedestrian connection from the parking lot to the entrance or entrances that are more than 300 feet from a parking lot with more than 200 spaces. The pedestrian connection(s) shall be centralized, shaded and minimize pedestrian and vehicle conflicts. This six foot wide landscaped and lighted pedestrian connection shall be provided for every three parking aisles, where parking exceeds 300 linear feet from the building entrance.


    Size: Each off-street parking space shall be not less than nine feet by 18 feet; provided, that not more than 30 percent of the spaces may be reduced to eight feet by 16 feet and specifically designated by striping for compact-size automobiles. Signs with the arrows shall be posted at each end of the parking row, not at each individual compact parking stall.


    Parking Reductions : The following parking reductions are available except for those uses described in Sections 656.604(e)(1) and 656.604(f)(1).


    Tree protection offset. The required number of off-street parking spaces may be reduced by the Chief up to 20 percent if that area which would normally be required for parking is utilized for tree protection or landscaping in addition to that required by Part 12 (Landscape and Tree Protection Regulations).


    Shared parking can be used to satisfy required parking.


    When two or more uses occupy the same building and when the hours of operation do not overlap, the parking for the use that needs the most parking shall suffice for all uses.


    Shared parking for mixed uses developments - The total parking requirements for a mixed use development is 90 percent of the sum of the amount required for each separate principal use, provided that the development consists of at least 20,000 square feet of enclosed area and has at least 2 or more lots under separate ownership.


    Shared parking must be provided within 400 feet of the businesses being served.


    A shared parking agreement shall be recorded between cooperating property owners as a deed restriction on both properties and cannot be modified without the consent of the Director.


    On-street Parking. Credit for on-street parking shall be limited to the number of spaces provided along the street frontage adjacent to the use


    Motorcycle parking space. Up to five percent of required parking may be provided as motorcycle parking space with a minimum length of seven feet and a minimum width of four feet per space.


    On-street motorcycle parking spaces: On-street marked motorcycle parking spaces shall have a minimum length of seven feet and a minimum width of four feet. Motorcycle parking does not need to be oriented in the same direction as other vehicle parking spaces on the same block.


    Carpool Parking. Up to ten percent of required parking spaces for parking lots with 100 or more spaces may be designated carpool or vanpool parking spaces. These spaces shall be located in preferential locations and each space shall count as two required spaces.

    Each off-street loading space shall be not less than ten feet wide, 25 feet long, provide vertical clearance of 15 feet, and provide adequate area for maneuvering, ingress and egress. The length of one or more of the loading spaces may be increased up to 55 feet if full-length tractor-trailers must be accommodated. If spaces that are larger than the standard are installed, the number of spaces shall not be reduced on that account.


    Access. Off-street parking and loading spaces shall be identified as to purpose and location when such is not clearly evidenced. Required off-street parking areas for three or more automobiles shall have individual spaces marked and shall be so designed, maintained and regulated that no parking or maneuvering incidental to parking shall be on a public or private street or sidewalk and so that an automobile may be parked and unparked without moving another. Each off-street parking or loading space shall be directly accessible from a street without crossing or entering another required off-street parking or loading space. However, off-street parking for townhouses or rowhouses permitted pursuant to Section 656.415 may be arranged to permit stacking or one required space behind another, if necessary. Spaces shall be arranged for convenient access and safety of pedestrians and vehicles. Each loading space shall be accessible from the interior of the building it serves and shall be arranged for convenient and safe egress and ingress by motor truck and/or trailer combination.


    Maintenance/drainage. Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be:


    Maintained in a smooth and well-graded, paved or hard-surfaced condition; provided, however, that off-street parking areas of 50 or more spaces, up to 30 percent of such required spaces may be stabilized and sodded rather than paved. Such stabilized and sodded spaces shall be adequately marked or delineated by area and row and may not be counted as part of the required landscaping.


    Drained so as not to cause a nuisance on adjacent property.


    If a pervious source material is used, such as bark or gravel, it must be at least three inches thick and be contained by a permanent contiguous border or curb.


    Lighting. If the facilities are lighted, lighting shall be designed and installed so as to prevent glare or excessive light on adjacent property. No source of illumination shall be allowed in connection with a parking lot if the source of such illumination would be visible from a residentially-zoned district to the extent that it interfered with the residential use of that area. Lighting plans may be reviewed for consistency with Jacksonville Design Guidelines and Best Practices Handbook.


    Encroachment onto adjoining lots or a public street. Where off-street parking or loading areas for four or more vehicles are located on the perimeter of a lot, barriers shall be provided to ensure that no portion of a parked vehicle or a parked vehicle's door, when open, shall encroach over and onto adjacent private property or over and onto a public street or sidewalk. Barriers may consist of fences, walls, hedges, chains, wheel stops, shrubs, ditches (when necessary to the drainage plan of a lot only) or other method or barrier satisfactory to the Chief.


    Buffers. A six-foot visual barrier, not less than 95 percent opaque, shall be erected along the edges or portions or parking lots for nonresidential areas adjoining land in residential districts, unless releases authorizing the Chief to waive this requirement are secured from all adjoining property owners.


    Landscaping. Off-street parking and loading areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of Part 12 (Landscape and Tree Protection Regulations) and those uses described in Sections 656.604(e)(1) and 656.604(f)(1) shall meet or exceed the landscaping requirements contained within the Parking Lot Landscaping Matrix, Figure B attached.


    Design requirements: Minimum required design standards for alternative parking layouts are shown on the attached Figure A. Required driveway aisle width, as shown on Figure A, are summarized below:

    Parking Angle* Aisle Width Traffic Direction
    30 12' one-way
    45 13' one-way
    75 24' two-way
    60 16' one-way
    60 24' two-way
    90 24' two-way


    *Angled parking may be designed to provide either back-in parking spaces or pull-in parking spaces subject to review of Planning and Development Department.

    Where existing trees are saved adjacent to parking spaces and the undisturbed area is needed, the end two feet of the parking space may be converted to a landscape area, if a permanent concrete wheel stop is provided at the end of the pavement.

    Where parking spaces are adjacent to public sidewalks, they shall be provided with bumper stops set back from the sidewalk in order that no portion of a vehicle may encroach upon such sidewalk.

    The aisle width may be reduced to 20 feet for two-way traffic and ten feet for one-way traffic where no parking occurs or where necessary to provide sufficient landscape area around a preserved tree.

    Where parking spaces are adjacent to private sidewalks, such sidewalks shall be a minimum of six feet in width in order to accommodate vehicle overhang. Alternatively, a minimum four feet landscape strip may be provided adjacent to the curb. In such case the sidewalk may be reduced to four feet.


    Landscaping. Off-street parking and loading areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of Part 12 (Landscape and Tree Protection Regulations) and shall meet or exceed the landscaping requirements contained within the Parking Lot Landscaping Matrix, Figure B attached.



    The following dimensions are required for on-street parking:


    On-street parallel parking spaces shall have a seven-foot minimum parking stall width including gutter; however, an eight-foot parking stall width is preferred. Seven-foot wide stalls are recommended in residential areas or streets with limited right-of-way. An eight-foot parking stall width is preferred on functionally classified streets.


    On-street parallel parking shall have a minimum two-foot step out zone along the adjacent curb, in addition to the minimum sidewalk width requirements provided in the Land Development Procedures Manual.


    On-street perpendicular parking is prohibited.


    Back-in or head-in 60-degree angled parking shall contain a minimum two-foot overhang zone in addition to the minimum sidewalk width requirements provided in the Land Development Procedures Manual.

    See Table 1 below for On-Street Parking Dimensions and see Figures C, D and E below for dimension diagrams.

    Table 1 - On-Street Parking Dimensions

    Stall Depth Stall Width Stall
    60° (angled - head-in or back-in) 9.8 20.0' 8.5' 22.0' 2.0' min. N/A
    0° (parallel) 22.0 7.0' minimum,
    8.0' preferred on functionally classified roadways
    7.0' minimum,
    8.0' preferred on functionally classified roadways
    22.0' N/A 2.0


    Figure C - Parallel Parking - step out zone requirements
    Source: Jacksonville Design Guidelines and Best Practices Handbook (Section 1: Commercial Development)


    Figure D - Angled Parking - Car parking overhang requirements
    Source: Jacksonville Design Guidelines and Best Practices Handbook (Section 1: Commercial Development)


    Figure E - On-Street parking diagrams


(Ord. 91-59-148, § 1; Ord. 91-761-410, § 1; Ord. 2006-596-E, § 1; Ord. 2007-588-E, § 1; Ord. 2009-907-E, § 3; Ord. 2010-449-E, §§ 2, 5; Ord. 2017-806-E , § 2)