§ 656.708. Repairs and maintenance, nonconforming structures.  

Latest version.
  • Repairs not exceeding 35 percent of the current just value of the structure may be made in any 12-month period (or of the nonconforming portion of the structure if a nonconforming portion of the structure is involved); provided, however, that the cubic content of the structure existing after the date it becomes nonconforming shall not be increased; provided, further, that just value shall mean the fair market value of the structure not including any associated real property. Fair market value shall not exceed the appraised value as appraised by the Property Appraiser. The just value of a sign shall be the lessor of the reproduction cost of such structure or the appraised value as appraised by the Property Appraiser. This 35 percent limitation shall not apply to a building in residential use containing not more than two dwelling units or not more than two rooming units if the building is located in a residential district. Repair shall not include removing a structure from the premises and subsequent re-erection. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, all nonconforming signs and all lots with nonconforming signs erected thereon must meet all requirements of Sections 656.719 and 320.417.

(Ord. 91-59-148, § 1; Ord. 93-174-1054, § 18)