§ 656.808. Special provisions for certain uses.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The distance limitations set forth in this Part shall not apply to a location where application is made for a special liquor license for a hotel or motel if the hotel or motel contains more than 100 guest rooms.


    Where a hotel, motel or restaurant holds a special liquor license pursuant to this Section, the hotel, motel or restaurant shall not be considered in applying distance limitations provided by this Part and compliance with distance limitations of the proposed location of an application for a liquor license shall be determined as though the special liquor license did not exist.


    No provision of this Part shall apply to incorporated clubs, including social clubs and caterers at horse or dog racing tracks as defined in F.S. § 565.02(4) and (5).


    In those cases where a bottle club has been established pursuant to the grant of an exception in those districts where it is permitted, the distance limitations as set forth in this Part as they apply to churches, schools and adult entertainment facilities shall be applicable. In addition, a bottle club shall not be located closer than 1,250 feet from existing liquor licenses (not restaurant liquor licenses) or 2,500 feet from other bottle clubs.


    A zoning exception shall be required any time one or more principle uses allowed by right in any zoning district is combined with any use regulated under this Part. This provision shall not affect any legal use already approved pursuant to any other section of this Chapter or of the Ordinance Code or supersede any other approvals or requirements for such use found elsewhere in this Chapter or elsewhere in the Ordinance Code.

(Ord. 91-59-148, § 1; Ord. 2007-1047-E, § 5)