§ 162.106. Equipment at bathing beaches.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A tower or other elevated observation post shall be provided at a bathing beach for the sole use of the lifeguards and shall be located so as to give the lifeguards a complete and unobstructed view of the bathing areas for which they are responsible.


    A coil of rope shall be kept in good condition and readily available for use by the lifeguards at a bathing beach. The rope shall have a buoy attached at one end and be equipped with a tub or reel for playing out the rope.


    Surf lines of sound, serviceable and strong manila or hemp rope, not less than one inch in diameter, shall be provided at a bathing beach when water conditions are such that their use is prudent. Surf lines shall be placed no more than 200 feet apart. They shall be securely anchored on shore at a point above high water and shall extend into the water for such distance as bathing is ordinarily safe and free from danger of drowning to persons who are not expert swimmers. The outer end of the rope shall be anchored and visibly buoyed and the lines shall be buoyed or otherwise supported at such intervals that they will lie partially above the surface of the water and sufficiently close to the surface at all points so that bathers may readily hold onto and be supported by the lines.


    Warning signs with the words Bathing Beyond the Lines Dangerous shall be clearly displayed in prominent places at a bathing beach.


    A bathing beach shall have a square-sterned lifeboat not less than 16 feet in length or a catamaran surfboat not less than 14 feet in length, stationed so as to be readily available for use during bathing hours. On each side of a lifeboat there shall be handing ropes so that bathers may readily hold on and obtain support. A lifeboat or surfboat shall be equipped with rollers and at least one ring buoy or life preserver with quarter-inch lines at least 60 feet in length and such additional equipment as the Department may require to protect the safety of the bathers. A lifeboat shall have at least two sets of oars and oarlocks, and a surfboat shall have at least one set of oars and oarlocks.

    (Ord. 70-650-526; Ord. 71-397-181; Ord. 83-591-400, § 1)

    Note— Former § 508.106.