§ 742.101. Determination to construct street improvements.
Latest version.
The Council may determine, by resolution, to construct, reconstruct, repair, pave,
repave, hard-surface, re-hardsurface, widen, gutter, drain, grade, regrade and level
streets in the City, electing to make the proposed improvements under this Chapter,
either upon its own finding of the necessity therefor or upon petition by owners of
at least 60 percent of the front footage of the properties specially benefitted by
the proposed improvements. Rights-of-way for street, drainage, sanitary sewer and
utilities of a width which conforms to the standards of the Code of Subdivision Regulations
and which intersects with a publicly maintained street shall be required prior to
a determination. Narrower right-of-way, continuous or intermittent, may be required
when, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, it will promote public convenience
but not impair public safety or is deemed necessary as a result of physical circumstances.
Additional right-of-way or other improvements may be required when necessary for public
safety and convenience.